
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Design Inspiration

We have been doing little projects around the house here and there but nothing major of late. In case you haven't noticed, it's hot here in the Summer. Eric and I are both cold weather people and find it very hard to be productive in the heat. We have some awesome plans for things we want to add to the house this Fall though, just wait :-D

I also just got back from the beach and apparently it takes me a week to unpack and get back in to real life mode. I did manage to start on a project that we have been meaning to do for quite a while and that is putting up base boards to cover the gaps that our new flooring caused when we put it in, I have one wall done so far, lol. I'd post a picture of it but it's not that exciting looking, maybe I'll post one when I finish all the walls.

So until I have some interesting stuff to post about our house here is some more eye candy for you. I was having a conversation with my mom today about where we get the inspiration for our our interior design style. We came up with three stores that we really look to for ideas and inspiration, Anthropologie, Restoration Hardware and Sundance. Of course we take inspiration from other sources as well but these are three of our long term favorites. Let me just tell you that my mom is a super classy lady with great taste. At least I think so, but that may be because our tastes are almost identical ;-) It's great to have someone you can bounce your ideas off of that really gets your style and she also makes a great shopping buddy. We like to share our design inspirations and ideas with one another. Here are some beautiful pictures from these store's recent catalogs to get you inspired.

Restoration Hardware
Of course these stores are all outrageously expensive so they are really just places to look and get ideas, then you can hopefully find cheaper alternatives that are along the same lines elsewhere. Maybe someday when I win the lottery I will buy all my furniture from them, until then I'll just day dream about it :-) Where do you get you design inspiration for your house? Any cool stores I should know about?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Anthropologie is amazing! I also love CB2 (and plain old Crate&Barrel is great, too). Alas, money... :P
