
Friday, September 18, 2015

Magical Mornings

Yesterday I felt really validated in my decision that we needed more days at home.  When we have a lazy morning with nowhere we have to rush off to it's really amazing what we get done! Echo is turning in to quite the little reader and she and I have been devouring chapter books. She is really in to the Magic Treehouse series and she often sits through a whole book in one sitting which I think is amazing for a not quite 3 year old! She has started asking me more lately about what different letters are and what sounds they make so I can see it won't be long until she starts wanting to learn to read for herself. I showed her how to spell some words with her alphabet cookies during breakfast yesterday and she really enjoyed that (and yes, cookies are totally a breakfast food in my book).

Both girls are still really in to painting and while Clover loves experimenting with brushstrokes Echo has been very interested in mixing colors lately. Later in the day we all worked in the garden together.

Seeing what happens when we stay home reminds me how much free time the girls really need to explore and experiment on their own, especially at this age!

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