Saturday, August 3, 2013

Sewing Small Toys for Echo

As I mentioned before, I got some awesome new sewing supplies and books for my Birthday and I have had a lot of fun putting them to good use. I have been using some scraps to sew some small stuffed toys for Echo, here's what I have so far.

This small stuffed rabbit is from from the book Baby Stuff by Aranzi Aronzo.It is so cute and made of terry cloth so when Echo chews on it it has the added bonus of soaking up some of her drool, yay! It was actually much harder to make than I thought because it is so teeny tiny and it came out a little bit lopsided but I still think it's cute. It's the perfect size for Echo to hold in her hand or in her mouth.

The next project I took on was a fabric ball. This is a great way to use up scraps and is super cute and fun for baby to play with. Echo is at a stage where she loves balls and will even roll one back and forth to you for a little bit. I can't find the tutorial I used anymore but you can find a similar one here.  Really this couldn't be easier to make, I may do some more of them with different color schemes.

I have also been putting little jingle bells in all my toys for Echo because she loves shaking things that make noise. If you do this you just have to make sure the toy is sewn up really well so it's not a choking hazard.

I tried to get a picture of Echo playing with her toys but she was only interested in running at the camera. You can see her cat scratches here poor thing, some day she will learn to leave them alone!


  1. What a cute bunny! It is soo tiny. No wonder it was hard to sew. I love that cloth ball too. I saw great ones on etsy made sweaters too.

    1. I was thinking about trying a sweater ball at some point. I made a stuffed cat out of old sweaters I got at the thrift store as a Christmas present for Echo and it is one of her favorite toys! I think she likes the super soft material (and pulling the cat's tail without getting scratched!)
